Our Rights at Work
Weingarten Rights: Your Right to Union Representation
SCOTUS Decision, NLRB v. Weingarten
“If an employee has a reasonable belief that discipline or other adverse consequences may result from what he or she says, the employee has the right to request union representation. When the employee makes the request for a union representative to be present management has three options:
- it can stop questioning until the representation arrives.
- it can call off the interview or,
- it can tell the employee that it will call off the interview unless the employee voluntarily gives up his/her rights to union representation (an option the employee should always refuse).”
“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative be present.”
Our Union Contract
Do you know your rights if you are being called into a meeting with administration? Asked to supervise students during your prep? Required to attend committees after contract hours? Visit the Our Union Contract page to view and download the contract. Knowing our contract will enable you to respond quickly and accurately when you believe your rights or the rights of a coworker are being violated. There is no reason not to be prepared!
MOUs and Other Agreements
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a Side Letter Agreement is a document that is bargained between the Association and the District during the term of the contract that carries the same weight as the contract itself. Reach out to your Area Director or the CVE Bargaining Chair for questions regarding MOUs and Agreements currently in place.